Martin Sotir

ML Developer @ CRIM Montréal | | |



Martin Sotir


Not published yet.


No DOI yet.

I am an applied machine learning developer and data science enthusiast, currently working at CRIM in Montreal. I am interested the data science process, neural networks, representation learning, explainable AI, data visualization, software engineering and MLOps.

Misc. Short scripts, github Gists, presentations and archived projects

Dec 2, 2019
Setup Google Colab to use GPUs on local SLURM cluster
Jun 9, 2019
Visualization experiments: Presenting prediction uncertainty of machine learning models
Jun 7, 2019
Interpreting CNNs using output maximization in pytorch - A quick script EDA and graph visualization using datashader
Jan 4, 2019
Exploring Digital Ocean managed Kubernetes service.

Dec 7, 2018
Advent of Code 2018 - Approaching day #7 challenge using Constraint Programming (OR-Tools)
Jul 12, 2018
Categorical variable encoding , blog post co-authored with Farooq Sanni
Feb 4, 2018
Loading and tiling geotiff in with GDAL.
Feb 4, 2018
Helper script to visualize embeddings using Tensorboard projector.
Jan 24, 2018
Presentation: Introduction to GPU profiling tools , presented at CRIM.

Oct 24, 2017
(outdated) Recipe to deploy a dask cluster on EC2 spot instances with Packer and Terraform.
Aug 8, 2017
NYC taxi challenge - EDA and graph visualization using datashader
Aug 8, 2017
Old, end-of-school, 2015 CV featuring (broken) horizontal scrolling


This website is based on the template and was developed using the following libraries and tools: • node.js • npm • Font awesome • webpack • babel • copy-webpack-plugin • html-webpack-plugin • imagemin-webpack-plugin • imagemin-mozjpeg • ejs-compiled-loader • raw-loader • url-loader • file-loader • css-loader
